Good Evening Team Captains!
How are you doing? How is your summer going? Are you doing the things this summer that you said last summer you wished you had done?
As far as health, fitness, overall wellness, and life in general...What is working? What are you currently struggling with? What are you working towards? And lastly, what are your goals as we progress through the third quarter of 2014?
I've been away from corresponding with you all for a bit of time now. I decided today I would take the time to give all of you an update. The Team Jake is still going strong. At this point, The Team Jake is still winning at life. There have been some hiccups a long the way as I will discuss in greater depth.
- As everyone already knows, I have Multiple Sclerosis. Since the beginning my Neurologist has been very open and honest about that. He has always stated, "You have MS and we are going to treat as such, but in the eyes of insurance companies and those at the forefront of researching this disease, I am unable to give you the official diagnosis on paper until certain criteria have been met." What he meant by this was that a greater length of time was needed to see how things went.

2. Two MRI scans one year apart with Contrast injection. If this has been done and active brain lesions are found...You can now be diagnosed as having Multiple Sclerosis.
This is how I just received my official diagnosis. I had an MRI in June, which I promptly put into my laptop to view. From there, I clearly saw 6 new active lesions. You don't need to be a doctor to see them when they are this notable. I immediately brought the disc to my Neurologist.
Long story short, I had another handful of active brain lesions that had formed since last year. So I have Multiple Sclerosis even to insurance companies now. The benefit of knowing this is that it officially clears me of the possibility the lesions are brain tumors. Hurray for that at least!!!!

What are you goals for Fall? I want to hike more now that the heat will be dissipating. Do you have any plans?
What are you going to strive for? What can you improve upon? What can I help you with? What can you help me with. As always, let's learn together! Let's celebrate together! Lets share and help each other!
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