For about six years now I've experienced weird, and up until recently, unexplained health issues. I collapsed at the gym on Christmas Eve three years ago. At that time, I couldn't type, nor write a letter at work. (I could compose the letter, however, I could not get my hands to work, which meant I could not physically handwrite or type said letter.
On three separate occasions I was left unable to feel the right side of my face and hand.
The latest time, on April 26th, 2013, I woke up again unable to feel the right side of my face. The next day the sensitivity in my right hand was affected. And on April 28th, my birthday, I woke unable to speak. It wasn't that I couldn't form the was more like I had an overload of Novocaine that wouldn't get better.
At best, I was slurring my words.
At worst, I was damn near unable to form any discernible words.
One week after that I lost hearing in my right ear.
Over the next few months I was unable to's not possible to be in a retail leadership position without being able to communicate with your staff and customers.
Throughout that entire time I underwent test after test. A total of three MRIs, a CT scan, Evoked Potentials (visual, auditory, and sensory), and cognitive testing.
Officially, I was given a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
To most, this type of diagnosis, would lead to sadness and depression.
Most grieve after such bad news.
In ways, I celebrated it.
I didn't jump for joy, but I did realize it was a better diagnosis than any of the things mentioned to me over the years. Up until that point, a heart defect, stroke, and brain tumor had been thrown around.
I celebrated because my diagnosis was none of those things.
The Discovery!
After processing my diagnosis in my mind for a few months, I had an "Aha!" moment. I realized up until that point I had been abusing my body every chance I could...
I started smoking at 12 years old.
I had my first drink around the same time, followed by excessive drinking at 15.
That all pales in comparison, though, to the damage done to my body because of my dietary choices.
At 18, I began making really great money. As most irresponsible 18 year olds do, I spent it all. Rather than buying lots of fun and distracting things, like cars and TVs, I bought food. High end, flavorful, and mostly terrible dietary choices followed me around until May of this year. Once I was out on short term disability, I decided I needed to make better choices on what things I chose to spend my money on. Living on 60% of my pay seemed ominous.
It wasn't until August of 2013 I had my awakening moment.
I realized food was KILLING me.
I weighed 375lbs....and I looked awful, to say nothing about how I felt.
I had my health and financial answer...STOP EATING BAD FOOD!
I finally had figured out an answer to my financial mess...and with hope, my health mess, as well.
Eat better and exercise!
The goal of the Team Jake blog is discuss the choices I have made to live a healthier life. Also, if I am able to help anyone else on their journey I will be thrilled!
Be sure to check out part 2 of this post to see a more detailed account of the steps I'm taking to feel better, live better, and BE BETTER!