I hope that all of you are having a great time reaching for the stars trying to better yourselves! I stated two days ago that I would complete part two of Healthy Me: Soon to be. Here it is. It's better late then never.
This post would not be complete without acknowledging that I was able to run a 5k yesterday and a follow-up 5k today. It is my goal to do these 5-7 days per week until the 5k Road Race that I am running on April 5th, 2014. This single achievement is evidence of my aspiration to feel better, live better, and be better. All it takes is incremental steps…
As I stated in my first post, I became most committed to making changes this past August. After months of feeling terrible and living a stagnant life I knew I needed a change. With my diagnosis of MS, now months behind me, I went into action trying to find physical and mental outlets. My first task became organizing a team for a MS Society Walk in October. This was very successful; nine of Team Jake teammates walked after having raised more than $1500.00.
Though this was an important step for me in my goals of feeling better it wasn’t where I ended. I hiked more mountains and trails this past fall than I likely had my entire 29 prior years.
While improving my activity levels I also began watching my food consumption. I followed a weight watchers diet for about three months. This was boring to me as it was so regimented. By November, 2013 I was off Weight Watchers but instead making smart food decisions. I eliminated as many starch and flour based carbs as possible. If I didn’t have to eat bread then I wasn’t going to.
As this progressed I became slightly more militant. I started following the philosophy that if it comes in a bag or a box at the grocery store you probably don’t want it. Obviously, this wasn’t easy. I am still not 100% with this but I make every effort I can.
My final dietary change came at the end of December. Up until this point every document I read on the subject of Multiple Sclerosis pointed to diet change up to and including a Paleolithic diet. The Paleo diet seemed too structured and without any glory for me. While researching alternative ways to cut out bad things I found even more damning evidence against dairy and beef. There I had my answer…With the overwhelming evidence that Dairy and Beef are bad for inflammation within the brain of MS patients I was done. I gave up beef and dairy. This was the single hardest change I’ve made. This was also the single greatest change I have made. I feel so much better already in just the month I’ve been without it.
Lastly, I made a vow of becoming even more active and physically fit. For one month now I’ve been going to the gym three to four times per week. I focus on cardio for 30-50 minutes each time and the rest weight training. I have no idea if I’ve lost weight. I refuse to jump on a scale. In fact, my father and I, shot our scale over 100 times (I know…guns…but we are from Maine after all).
I don’t know precisely how much weight I’ve lost. Honestly, I don’t care. At the end of the day I feel so much better! This is worth more than anything else. As this blog progresses I will let you know in greater detail the things I do for myself and the things my teammates do for me. Until then…Captains gear up…Its an all hands on deck game tonight.
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